Sunday, June 26, 2016

Let Go of Things! 
Be Present and Okay With it! 

Yesterday in yoga class when the instructor instructed the class to be in savasana and delivered instruction on the importance of being in savasana, while the students were in savasana, I felt embarrassed! 

Let me rewind a bit! Savasana is a corpse pose. You play dead and do not move. You can only breath. After a long standing series when the sweat was running down I felt the urge of wiping the sweat and scratching my head. I felt a flow of sweat forming river streams between the strands of my hair. I felt embarrassed because my wiping and scratching movement came when the instructor was in the middle of lecturing how important it is to let go and be still in savasana. He looked at me and smiled. All I did was smile back with my eyes giving the most innocent look. I was caught stealing cookie from the jar! I learned how easily our brain gets distracted. 

Hardest to learn in life is being present, staying still and trying hard to avoid and getting out of the situation as soon as possible. Our situations those times seem like fish out of water or a non swimmer in a pool experiences. 

We give power to our situations and hardships. Once we learn to be present we forget that it is painful. 

” The ‘good life’ begins when you stop wanting a better one” – Nkosiphambili E. Molapis

We run from pain towards joy but believe it or not we learn from both. I have been trying to teach this to myself than to others. I need to stop running towards the best because what I have now is the best. 

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