Monday, June 27, 2016

Autism Speaks Autism Teaches 

As a therapist or an educator,  one always  feel an expert of teaching skills to the individuals with special needs. However, the fact is that an expert is just helping children with autism experience their surrounding in news ways that they have not experienced before (Greer & Speckman, 2009). We are not really inducing anything new, just exposing the individuals to an environment that they were not exposed to or were aware of.

Individuals who have never been exposed to children diagnosed with autism might not be aware that these individuals are not socially aware. They would not care what other people think of them, at least with the children that I have worked with. They do not care if you think they are not smart, genius or organized ( which ironically a lot of them are). I sometimes really envy my students with autism for this characteristic where they do not care about and for what others think of them and continue to do what they are best at.

Let us learn from them! Let us stop listening to the judgements around us and continue to be the best at what we like the most.

Autism speaks and autism teaches!

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