Sunday, December 20, 2015

Learning from a Muslim! Yes, A Muslim!

It is hard to find individuals who can inspire! The great inspiration comes when you discern that the individual, who is inspiring you, is yet another human being who does not matter to the world as much as he matters to you. Recently, I have met a young boy in his early twenties who practices Islam. This boy is an inspiration for me for his simplicity and genuineness. He is straightforward, blunt and honest.
It amazes me that his belief, passion and devotedness towards Islam have not affected our relationship. The reason I say about affecting our relationship is my strong belief in Christianity and obsession with Jesus Christ. Usually there is a notion that people from different faiths who are strong in their beliefs do not get along. Our relationship is failing that idea because this boy is validating Christian scriptures for me! He makes the word of the Lord God real to me! I feel God is teaching me using a person from another belief as a vessel. How amazing is this feeling of knowing God and learning about Him Almighty from a person with a different belief.
Anyways, we have always heard and been told stories of religious persecution in different parts of the world. However, nobody highlights an amazing and inspiring story! The story I want to relate is of this young boy who goes out of his way and potentials to help another young boy of his age but from a different religion.  Being of same age tends to create competition and being from a different religion tends to bring about beliefs of superiority. However, this boy unknown of both, gave a good amount of money to help his friend who he genuinely called his brother. This amount was not lend or donated to his friend. This was a way to help a friend to progress towards a goal. It was a way to provide resource to a jobless friend who was trying to go abroad for higher education. This boy is pushing his friend so he could be independent! It boggles my mind that this Muslim boy does not for a second feel that he is helping a Christian. He is genuinely supporting! I am not undermining the flaws of this boy as an individual. However, when I was giving up on believing that there are still honest and genuine humans who live on this planet, God brought him. This boy demonstrated a genuine approach from his actions. He taught me that there are still people who live without an opportunistic approach.
Moreover, recently going through some series of queries I had for God. This person from a different belief answered my queries simply and precisely. He taught me how important it is to let God be in control! He taught me the acceptance of the will of God! He brought me out from this land of confusion to the land of clarity.

Last but not least, this young person taught me the specialty of pureness in our eyes. I live in United States of America, therefore I wear western clothes despite the fact that I was born and raised in Pakistan. I have no preference of what I should wear. I am a grab and go person. I love the rugged and easy look if I have no special events to attend. This boy disapproves of my western attire as for him my jeans, sweatshirt and boots makes me untraditional. He wants me to look traditional and cultural. He told me that if I am not wearing traditional clothes the day we meet, he will just walk away from me. Not out of anger but out of respect! He said that he gives me honor and reverence. He added that purity should be in his eyes for me. I love his approach of giving me honor by walking away. We always want people to change. We always want to cover people and change their attire claiming to view them with purity. However, this boy taught me that purity is in our own eyes. We should walk away if we see something impure. We should try and not indulge in what we consider not good. His idea of walking away from things, which according to him are not up to his purity and reverence standards inspire me.
This boy has influenced my life! However, having said all the nice things, I would still let him live his life. He definitely is an individual who make mistakes and is learning from them. He is a role model who teaches me from both his mistakes and genuine ways of success.
#JesusChrist #Islam #Muslim #learning #life #honest #God


Wednesday, December 9, 2015


There was once a Prince of a huge estate. He lived with his father. He loved going to the streets of the city to interact with the people. He enjoyed with the residents and became good friends with a beggar. The beggar loved to make sketches and shared his art with his friend. Well, a few days later the prince stopped coming. The beggar who developed a friendship with the prince started to miss his companionship. He went to visit him and met the father of the prince who was leaving to go somewhere. The father told the beggar that his son died. The beggar was shocked and deeply hurt. He gave the father the sketch of the prince he made. Well, the father took it. A few days later the father held an auction of the gallery at His estate. The beggar went to the auction. He was amazed to see that his picture of the prince was part of the auction too. The moderator of the auction said that according to the will. The picture of the prince needs to be sold first before the other great paintings.  No one seemed interested to buy the beggar's picture of the son. The beggar hesitantly bought his own picture with the only money he had. While he was leaving with the picture. The moderator said that according to the will whoever receives the son gets everything.

Moral: The one who receives the Son receives the Kingdom.

#salvation #JesusChrist #Kingdom #RZIM #RaviZacharias #sermonravizacharias (This was a sermon by Dr. Ravi Zacharias which I wrote in my own words)

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Why Religion is Sellable?

Due to lack of awareness and religious education, people are taught about God in a way, so it is easy to control and manipulate them. The teachings of God are deposited to them by religious leaders/ preachers who consciously or unconsciously teach what they believe. Healing and financial blessings are taught to be a way to judge God's love. When individuals are in pain and suffering, it is considered punishment. I see God as a behaviorist! He allows us to experience situations for our learning. God created us, therefore, we need to allow Him to help us be at peace with the situations that we are dealing.

Additionally, we need to allow God to reveal Himself to us and understand that God wants fellowship and not riches.  When you find God you are peaceful. Peace is a blessing. When we are struggling to find answers that is not peace. Do we want God or we actually want from God? God is our groom. How would you feel if your wife or child just came to you for gifts and money? Even if we are failing or dying what should matter is God/groom. Only God should matter if we believe in Him!

People are taught to find immediate satisfaction with the idea of bargaining either with healing or financial blessing i.e. give $100 to God He will give you $1000. We have created a need based world around us and we try to confine God in the same way.

Pain is a need. People are uncomfortable with pain that is why religion is sellable. We hate to sit in our pain. Pain and sensation give us perspective which only awareness and true theology can explain.
Two Brothers from Two Different Mothers

Recently, I have developed a relationship with two 18 year old boys from Pakistan, I call my brothers. These two brothers are from two different mothers, one is Muslim residing and working in Oman and the other Christian residing in Pakistan. I, myself an international student from Pakistan studying at Columbia University, New York. It is amazing that at this time and phase of life when people around me think that I am learned and educated. These two boys have the ability to teach me. It is fascinating that these two brothers have phenomenally made me feel secure and safe. My relationship with them is unique. They are brilliant without a superficial degree. Whenever, I speak with them I am introduced to a new perspective to view life.

I realized the uniqueness of our individuality in a recent argument with one of them. As most of you might be aware, that Pakistan has a culture of status symbol. It is considered an insult to call someone a "villager"/ "paindu" ( someone who is from country) as villagers are considered to be less aware and ignorant than the city residents. However,on a personal and individual level (in my defense), I was raised using "paindu" as a teasing vocabulary. I have operationally defined "paindu" as not that intense and with slight humor in my personal dictionary. Meaning, I have changed the nomenclature according to my convenience. Ignorant of other people's feelings I have used this word frequently. Anyways, one of the brothers approached me with a concern of my using of such language with individuals. It demonstrated from his perspective my insensitivity. He felt that I was insulting. I kept inquiring why he thought I was being insensitive. He replied with frustration that I should not underestimate them based on their education. He added that  I have no right to think other people do not have same ability as me. His words made me upset. My ability to think straight just left me. My heart shattered into countless pieces. My point was that the one I called "paindu" had no issue why the other. My relationship with my other brother was based on teasing and calling names. According to me, we both were equal and on equal grounds. Furthermore, the one I called "paindu" did not care about education. Education was baseless for him as he was satisfied and felt enlightened the way he was. He admired his talent and skills as a mechanic. His attitude blew my mind as I always thought enlightenment comes from education and it gives you wisdom and peace. I thought education was an incentive or motivating object to attain. He proved me wrong. My education had no inspiration for him. He found no difference in our relationship based on education. He cared less about how many degrees I had attained. His mere respect towards me were based on  our relationship. Relationship of being his sister in less than a month. It was intriguing that both of them looked at me differently, to one my dressing mattered which is he wanted to see me be dressed up as Pakistani clothes all covered. However, to the other using respectful words indicated that he cared ("Paindu" in his dictionary was a derogatory). He loves to listen and be there. I am so blessed to have brothers who I am learning from.

The moral of the story is that every human is a living document with an ability to teach. Learn from humans not categorize them. Categorization help us to access previous information. Let us not confine and limit human individuality based on our prior knowledge. People who we consider uneducated educate us and help us expand our horizons.

What I learned from my experience and relationship with these two boys, not even my Ivy League professors could teach. I feel blessed to learn the uniqueness of relationship, individual differences, individual relationship with God and humans from my interaction and experiences. Being in relationship with two boys belonging to different religions, I learned that it is the institution of religion that segregates us not God.