Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Once Loved

Someone just told someone to move on. They want them to move on from the person they once loved.

I don't understand this move on business. How can you not love someone you once loved. If you ever truly loved someone the feeling always stay despite the fact, they  stay or not in your life. Their consistent unfaithfulness and infidelity makes you distant from them. You never  would go that route again. But love never changes and dies it stays strong.

When a current girlfriend tells an ex girlfriend to move on. You want to tell the girl that her dog was unleashed because if you knew that you were used to be cheated with, you would have never gone that route.

My theory is humans become history love does not.

 Moral of the story, for the ones who give advise to move on, to already moved on individuals, is to; Leash your dog! 😜

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