Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Everybody deals with their concerns differently. I've been writing about harassment for last few times. I have been in a constant fight to figure out a solution.  Today, at lunch with a colleague I shared my concern. It was interesting how she approached the issue. She expressed that in most cultures and religions women are taught to be submissive.  Eventhough, women might see themselves as strong naturally. They still fall victim to the product of their culture and environmental setting. Individuals learn set rules and regulations from their culture. However, when they go against it, they feel they are rebelling it which makes them uncomfortable. 

On the other hand, she expressed that men in many cultures have been taught to see women  as objects, so they just act according to what has been taught to them. 

She suggested that if an awkward situation of harassment occurs ( where you have the power to act), where an individual does not feel like rebelling or tend to make individuals around awkward, they should just say in a  friendly but an assertive way, that they like their personal space and do not like to be touched physically. She added that with this, your message is communicated in a positive way. I think that a brilliant analysis and advice. 

Hope no one has to go through an uncomfortable situation again. 

 Situations do vary and one solution is not ultimately the answer to all the problems. 

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