Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Basic Human Need 

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Well, I wanted to make lemonade, life started throwing everything at me like pasta, curry, vegetables, and other fruits. What can you do? Add them and make what? Ha ha 😜

Life is so simple and easy when you  are living it. Life is so honest when you self-talk to yourself. What happens when you try to interact with someone who is confused? What happens when that person starts to confuse you more? What happens when that person ask you to make a checklist? What happens when that person tells you about the checklist they have for you? When individuals are confused and they are still at that level  of immediate gratification. You cannot satisfy them with your philosophy. If a person was still at the basic level of reinforcement, the basic human need is what he/she needs how can you expect them to be at a different level. 

The basic need is the necessity of having sex, money,  food,  air and clothing. It is unrealistic to expect of them about the deeper meaning of life. You cannot blame them.  Blame them for what? Their fixation for their basic human need. Their confusion and manipulation will play along to achieve those needs. Such people to me seem like children who look for companionship after they complete their homework. They don't want any deeper understanding of friendship as their interest is just to satisfy their need to play. They have no clue of commitment because for them it is convenience. When people seek you out for convenience, it is your fault not their because that is their need.

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