A preschooler was working on coloring a coconut tree. The child was suppose to color the tree green and brown. However, it ended up being a purple and blue tree. I was uncomfortable watching the process of a purple and blue tree coming into existence after experiencing millions of trees in specific colors. During the child's work time, I consistently was giving instruction, while being aware of losing control over the tree project that was suppose to be green and brown. My constant instruction led the child to say, "it is my tree and I decide the colors of the tree".
As much as I was uncomfortable with the answer, however I agreed with the honesty and the authority of the child owning up the project. It was amazing to see a child taking responsibility of the artwork and being affiliated with it. I was impressed with the freedom of speech at a young age. This incident led me to a conversation with a colleague of mine. In our conversation my colleague exposed me to a child development approach known as " Reggio Emilia". According to this approach, children have rights and should be given opportunities to develop their potentials. Children are believed to be knowledge bearers therefore, should be encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas about everything they do and explore during their work time. She expressed that the pioneers of this approach, believed that children must have control over their learning process. This approach facilitates learning from exposing children to the opportunities and experiences provided during touching, moving, listening and observing their surroundings. This self directed and exploration style of learning has demonstrated building relationship of children with peers and adults. Ultimately, this theory also believes in children expressing through their work. I was totally in awe of this style as it explored children's potential and had them learn through experiencing on their own. Even though, children end up categorizing in this style of learning as well. However, this seems to be more natural and experiential reinforcement than a pattern learned from passing on.
Anyways, as usual from this experience too, I learned something about God! What I learned was that the Almighty is always breaking our learning patterns in our environment. Our tree which we ought to paint green and brown. He ends up painting it blue and purple for us which makes us uncomfortable. However, ultimately when we realize that our life is God's master piece, His painting/His artwork, we would definitely leave the Artist (God ) and trust His judgment. Meaning, once we have faith in the Artist we will be more content as His products have always be a source of inspiration.
Moral of the story: Our experiences shape our behaviors not our control. Nothing is in our hands! Explore and experience life! Life teaches us way better than any professional coaches!
Anyways, be still and let the Artist do His work, as this is His project not ours!
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