Friday, September 23, 2016

Do we say No or stop? 
Can we accept No and Stop as an answer? 

I don't want to play with him.
I don't want to play that game. 
This is not what I want to do. 
I feel forced to do it. 

Have you ever thought why we feel forced to do something or why we feel that someone controls us? The answer is we have not been taught to say "stop" or "no" or likewise taught to accept "stop" and "no" as an answer.

This reality of life struck me hard after I watched the movie "Pink". It phenomenally portrayed the roles that have been reinforced in our daily lives. The movie was not just about women empowerment but it also involved an idea of expressing to say NO. 

NO is not a word as it is mentioned in the movie, it is a full expression of a feeling and an emotion. Even though the movie talks about the categorization and the equivalences we associate with human categorization. For example, the idea that a girl who drinks, smiles and hangs out with various guys is usually a girl with questionable character. Is it true for all girls? Even if a girl has questionable character for one second does she have freedom to refuse to any advances towards her. Well, as a matter of fact an individual boy or girl should practice their freedom of expression in what they believe in and if that expression be is to say NO or STOP then that be it. In similar way, the individual at the receiving end should also be willing to accept NO as an answer.

I felt this should have been taught to us at an early age. Recently at work,  one of the preschoolers came to his teacher saying I don't want to play with a student who was forcing him to play. The teacher explained him that being polite is great. However, standing up for yourself and expressing how you feel is a good practice too. Therefore, she modeled the behavior for the student and the student was able to say NO. This "NO" as an answer did not go well with the child at the other receiving end. He was not ready to accept that answer. The teacher had to teach him to accept no as an answer as well. I was intrigued at the idea of how no was being taught. 

The movie following with this incident helped me to understand the power of the words STOP and NO. It also helped to know how sometimes people must be feeling out of courtesy to not express themselves. Some cultures reinforce behavior of ignoring our feelings and emotions for the sake of courtesy.

Stop and No are important words. Let us train ourselves, to tolerable habits of accepting and saying no and stop. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ready to Educate? Qandeel a Real Feminist? What Wave of Feminism? 
Any Solution to Killing for Honor? Is Mental Health still a Taboo? 
#qandeelbaloch #mentalhealth #humanrights #honorkilling #feminism

How will we feel if Facebook ban the like button ? Will we be able to survive if there is no display picture on social media? Is empowerment based on reassurance that we get from the number of likes ? Are social approvals important for us? Are we confident even if we are the only ones who believe in a cause? What if the whole world leaves us and we are alone, will we still be strong and moving in the direction we want to?

Qandeel Baloch's story has raised these questions for me. I am wondering if people are still focusing on issues such as killing for honor (honor killing) and the need to be aware of psychological concerns or did we get derail? Are we stuck on discussions whether Qandeel was a feminist or not? What has been identified so far as a problem? Did we plan a solution? Are we getting ready to educate the masses ? Are still debating to conclude who is right? What have we done to educate the masses about intolerance? What has been done on giving positive attention to women who are seeking attention by stripping? Are they stripping because that is their choice or because that is an easy option to gain attention to actually getting to the platform to express? I have observed provocative ways gets you attention more quicker both negatively and positively.

Anyways, I want to understand whether Qandeel's provocative behavior was similar to a child seeking attention who does not get his way due to the lack of communication. Therefore, throwing a tantrum before his/ her parents assist the child to get his demands met.

Consequences selects out our behaviors. When people get more attention for any behavior (culturally appropriate or not appropriate) . It increases the frequency of the target behavior. Let us think, if we believe in a cause that no one supports, will we still stick to it in the long run. Do we try to use short cuts or behaviors that we personally don't agree with to reach to our goals? Are we choosing those options as a way to seek and increase attention.

Following are some ways individuals use to get attention

children tantrum
Screaming for help
Commoditize yourself
Self victimization
Bribe and corruption to get what you want ( attention on your concern๐Ÿ˜œ)
Many more... 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Qandeel Baloch
Honor Killing? Histrinoic Personality Disorder? Media? 
Who to blame? 

We are trained to walk on egg shells. As long as something is not affecting us we choose usually to refrain ourselves from speaking about it.

Qandeel Baloch was recently strangled by her own brother apparently for honor. I am not sure how it took years for a brother to speak up now about his sister's acts, which made him uncomfortable. Well, I don't want to touch the political and legal side of the case as I am not much aware of it. 

However, I am interested to understand the making of Qandeel Baloch and her brother Waseem. Immediately, after the news of her murder, I started reading and researching about her. In my search to understand the situation I tried to read stories from different perspectives. I happened to watch her audition on "Pakistan Idol". All the judges were speaking with her with utmost disrespect. Would they have treated their President, or any other country's president or any other other person who was respectful in their eyes. No? Yes? Any thought? I just do not understand how people have the nerve to humiliate a fellow human being. After that video, everything became history as the girl tried and struggled to get attention, her own way. For a person, who is trying to get publicity both negative and positive attention is reinforcing. 

How come, our media does not take responsibility of creating her and ultimately participating in killing her. No one ever spoke up or tried to get security when she cried for help. Was it not important? 

Observing her behavior on TV and her videos. I also assessed her probably as an individual having symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder. Some of the symptoms could be identified in Qandeel's personality such as 

  1. A person gets uncomfortable in situation where he/she does not get attention. 
  2. Sexual, seductive and provocative behavior
  3. Shallow behavior where emotions are shifting 
  4. Behavior where there is no depth and detail 
  5. Physical appearance dramatize to gain attention
  6. Self-dramatization 
  7. Consider more intimacy with people than in actual life (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)
Nobody in our culture tries to assess based on psychological needs. They always judge people based on their perception of the situations, circumstances and their own idealogy of self-righteous and piousness. Piousness is subjective. What piousness means to me might not mean to another individual. Moreover, psychological issues also does not mean that an individual cannot function properly in a society. Individuals might have different psychological needs. Why no therapy is provided? It is sad how her family never felt that she might have had a psychological problem. Their lack of awareness, educational background and low socio-economic  status just led them to let continuous judgement of the society impact their family decisions. So much so that it ultimately led in a brutal step of killing her. 

One of the interviews, that I read stated how scared she was when her recent music video was coming out. However, she stated that once it was out, she was scared no more and was ready to face the world again. Well, I feel sad how this young woman had to lose her life,which could have been beneficially utilized if guided properly. She had no strong family background. 

She was a product of her struggles and circumstances. I am not sure who to blame. Her brother, who I believe himself was a product of the society. His courageous acceptance of his crime speaks a lot about his pride and awareness that the society accepts his acts. 

Well, she might not be able to "bounce back" like she said she will. However, her death definitely raised questions and awareness of the sensitivity of this concern in the world. 

Humans are different, they were raised differently, they will act differently to circumstances. However, even though they are different they should be treated equally with respect and honor.

#QandeelBaloch #HonorKilling #humanrights #media #responsibility #humanity #respect #understandingbehaviors 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Sparkle in His Dying Eyes

I wondered how some eyes could sparkle knowing that they would not live to see. What would a degree from a prestigious university mean to a person dying in a few months? What could any materialistic possession would mean to someone who would not stay to enjoy it or what would LOVE mean to someone who could not stay to be there for his dear ones?

I got addicted to such a guy a few weeks before his death. I visited him more than I needed to just to understand him more. I would visit him with an intention and curiosity to comprehend the strength behind those sparkling eyes. I was intrigued why no tears yet. I wanted to see him break down and cry. I could not imagine where that strength came when all the walls around him were collapsing. I wanted to hear the weakness behind those sarcastic and playful words towards humanity. He played well with sarcasm that I wondered if it was pain he was trying to relate. I wanted to travel behind those eyes to collect all tears that were scared to come out. 

Love really makes you vulnerable. Recently, I covered a journey of 11 years back to my past in a few seconds. My eyes immediately watered, overwhelmed, imagining those sacred emotions I felt back in those days. I could literally see a mother in her dupatta covered sitting next to the side of the hospital bed waiting for her 23 year old son die. Her eyes were red and swollen. Her son a graduate from a prestigious management university of Lahore was waiting for his death call. He was diagnosed with liver cancer. I walked in that room as a no significant help but a psychology intern who was assigned to that floor. I entered unknowingly that I would end up falling for someone who is waiting to die. How was he cheerful at his death bed? This question still bothers me, These images that were dawning on me after 11 years were strong like a second living experience. I could see vividly and hear every word so clearly. 

The boy kept teasing his mom playfully with sarcastic words that were so ironic. He asked his mother whether her crying was an early celebration for his departure, He wanted to know whether she was sad that no one will tease her anymore. He teased her to video tape him. He kept insisting his mom why she was not ready to make the present great. I did not understand what was important for the guy to keep his mom entertained or be scared and anxious for what was coming. Was he actually doing both? He kept giving his mother courage for future and hope for a better tomorrow. This used to frustrate me. Everyday, I prayed for that guy. He did not know how important his life became to me. I had developed much love and respect for him in a few days. I was scared for him. 

Seriously, I wanted to feel scared for him. The feelings I did not see in him but desired to see in him, was I selfish? I wanted to burst out crying for him. I wanted to be anxious and fearful for him. I wanted to express my fear screaming at his mother as him to tell her how hard it was to face death and how scared I was. 

But his smiles just confused me. I never got time to speak with him by myself. However, his mom hugged and cried with me. He laughed. I did not know how to respond. I use to walk out of their room straight to the duck pond at the hospital. I use to hysterically burst into tears sharing all my feelings with the ducks in the surrounding. 

Well, it did not last very long. One day I entered the room to hear the nurse say it with no feelings that the patient expired last night. EXPIRED! Patient? I regretted not saying bye to him or his mother. I just walked straight out the door holding my tears for the ducks. I knew the ducks would understand the pain. They heard my story well! 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Understanding the Dating Websites

How authentic people are on dating websites? Do we show our true selves? Is it an easy and secure way of meeting people? How honest are we about ourselves? I don't know answer to any of these questions. ๐Ÿ˜œ

I have tried explaining to my family. You would not find a match for me. Not because I have some self esteem issues but generally I cannot act angelic. I am who I am! People who accept me for who I am have stayed with me. The ones who have tried to change me are nowhere to be found!! (Chuckles) 

Well, look even Salman Khan (Indian Actor) is single and Priyanka Chopra (Actor) has not found her right guy. The issue is not with them. They both are gorgeous and well established. They meet a lot of people. However, not everyone you meet is your soulmate. People who see you in your worst and still want to embrace you at the end are the ones who love you. People we meet are not like watching a movie you like some parts of it and you can fast forward the rest. 

You have to be upfront and bluntly honest. You will scare them for sure but only that will demonstrate if they have the guts and desire to be with you in the long run. 

What the cover shows is not always what you ultimately get! The hardest and honest people I have met are the nicest and genuine individuals. 

Recently, I tried making a profile on a dating website for a few hours. I did not write much because I did not have any nice things to say (Chuckles!! You know yourself the best) As soon as I stepped in. I got a nervous break down. Everybody had the nicest profile. They had done so much and achieved so much and were so nice. I felt how come I signed up for an angelic website. I totally felt I was trained by the devil himself!

Humans are not commodity on an aisle of a supermarket. You can be lucky and find the right product or not. ๐Ÿ˜œ

Let us meet individuals with a blank slate. How we act in public is not usually how we act behind our close doors. Our overt thinking does not always match our covert thinking and reasoning. 

We dress to impress!! We have created a  soundbite culture. 
#datingwebsites #soundbite 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

God created all living beings.
Humans are living beings created by God.
Human Beings = Jews = Christians= Muslims = Hindus = Buddhist = Individuals who believe in God /No God
According to all religions, the devil does not have the power to create.
All humans are created the same way. 
All individuals have a right to express their beliefs to other individuals.
Individuals should not force their beliefs on others.
Keep in the parameters of respect when expressing your beliefs.
Others have a right to agree or disagree with you.

  1. Be honest about your beliefs. 
  2. Openly share and explain your beliefs.
  3. Do not think your beliefs are better than other individuals’ beliefs and opinions. 
  4. Individuals have a right to agree and disagree with your beliefs and opinions. 
  5. Do not lose your individuality accommodating others’ beliefs and opinions.
  6. Respect others who do not share your beliefs.
    Let us connect to know each other rather judge based on any man made category! 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Autism Speaks Autism Teaches 

As a therapist or an educator,  one always  feel an expert of teaching skills to the individuals with special needs. However, the fact is that an expert is just helping children with autism experience their surrounding in news ways that they have not experienced before (Greer & Speckman, 2009). We are not really inducing anything new, just exposing the individuals to an environment that they were not exposed to or were aware of.

Individuals who have never been exposed to children diagnosed with autism might not be aware that these individuals are not socially aware. They would not care what other people think of them, at least with the children that I have worked with. They do not care if you think they are not smart, genius or organized ( which ironically a lot of them are). I sometimes really envy my students with autism for this characteristic where they do not care about and for what others think of them and continue to do what they are best at.

Let us learn from them! Let us stop listening to the judgements around us and continue to be the best at what we like the most.

Autism speaks and autism teaches!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Let Go of Things! 
Be Present and Okay With it! 

Yesterday in yoga class when the instructor instructed the class to be in savasana and delivered instruction on the importance of being in savasana, while the students were in savasana, I felt embarrassed! 

Let me rewind a bit! Savasana is a corpse pose. You play dead and do not move. You can only breath. After a long standing series when the sweat was running down I felt the urge of wiping the sweat and scratching my head. I felt a flow of sweat forming river streams between the strands of my hair. I felt embarrassed because my wiping and scratching movement came when the instructor was in the middle of lecturing how important it is to let go and be still in savasana. He looked at me and smiled. All I did was smile back with my eyes giving the most innocent look. I was caught stealing cookie from the jar! I learned how easily our brain gets distracted. 

Hardest to learn in life is being present, staying still and trying hard to avoid and getting out of the situation as soon as possible. Our situations those times seem like fish out of water or a non swimmer in a pool experiences. 

We give power to our situations and hardships. Once we learn to be present we forget that it is painful. 

” The ‘good life’ begins when you stop wanting a better one” – Nkosiphambili E. Molapis

We run from pain towards joy but believe it or not we learn from both. I have been trying to teach this to myself than to others. I need to stop running towards the best because what I have now is the best. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Am I controlling you or you control your own behavior?

Many a times we take decisions in our lives that we conveniently blame others for. We project our weakness by blaming it on being manipulated by others. Our compulsive way of acting in a certain way is our decision. Well who should we blame in such situations?

Recently, in a conversation with a peer I came to a conclusion that I am a master of my own behavior. We allow people to treat us a certain way. We forget that unconsciously or consciously we are taking a decision to let them treat us a certain way. Our decision!! Nobody  can force us to drink poison!

Won't we resist when someone forces us? When we give in to an idea. We are agreeing to the idea. It might seem as someone is controlling you, however you  are willfully giving them the control and the power to treat you the way they want to. Humans are victims of their own decision making. Their instilled idea of helplessness and not speaking up makes them a victim. Let us rise above our self victimization and enjoy our decision of taking responsibility of our own actions and decisions.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Can we co-exist? Muslims and Christians (Any religion as a matter of fact) 

I have recently started to read the Holy Quran. It started with a discussion with my younger brother. This boy is 19. I connected with him last year. He is a Muslim. Our discussions compelled me to read the Holy Quran as I felt some of his ideas about his religion seemed not aligned with the ideas of some other Muslim friends I have. I started to look for answers for him and ended up finding answers for myself. I took a liberty in involving other Muslim friends to get my queries answered. I wanted to inquire about tolerance in Islam about people who are Kafirs/disbelievers. One of my other Muslim friends encourage me to read about Hazrat Umar(RA). She informed me how He (RA) started off being against Islam and how Hazrat Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) requested God for him. He started off being an enemy and ended up being a devoted friend and follower of Islam. Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) forgave him and always admired his courage. I also read about Jesus Christ in Surah Al Imran where Jesus is given honor and his followers’ superiority and respect. I came to read Surah Al Kafiron (Disbelievers) where disbelievers are stated to freely follow their religion and practice it. I feel the more I read the more I understand. We always judge other religions based on our prior knowledge which is not factual but rumored based. However, now that I started to read Holy Quran on my own I feel it validates some of my Biblical perspectives. Reading a Holy book of another religion does not convert you. It liberates you as you understand the beliefs of others and get to respect them and widen your own perspective and knowledge about your own book and its perspectives.

Moral: We never try to understand the background of other people who we call friends and acquaintances. We need to understand the rules and regulations of other families, institutions and organizations. Respecting others will help us gain respect. Unless if you are an unconditional giver and you would not mind getting respect back.

Disclaimer: I am still a Christian l believe in God, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. I believe in the resurrection of Christ. I love Jesus!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Brother of the Prodigal Son
You never understand a story and someone’s emotions till you step into their shoes.  The story of the prodigal son has been shared with me million times. The focus has always been on the prodigal son from what I have observed. I felt the love of the father towards the prodigal son was remarkable. I always thought the brother of the prodigal son was selfish and envious till I experienced something similar. It is interesting that I identified my own behavior and emotion as the brother of the prodigal son. Once I discerned, I immediately started to look for some articles related to my concern and found a couple. It was intriguing to discover that the brother was as lost as the prodigal son. He was upset with his father because he was working hard to earn his love as he mentioned how hardworking and obedient he was. However, the response of the father did not demonstrate that he ever expected any deed or hard work. The son assumed that he needed to act in a certain manner to earn his father’s love. 
Moral of the story: Relationships are not earned by gifts and good deeds. You should cares for someone because you want to not because you want to earn their love. 
Always remember that you are doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do not to earn a reward or respect. The deed should be reinforcing not the incentive of earning praise, approval and love.

Never forget, God’s grace is unconditional. We have not earned it. We do not deserve it! It is given unconditionally to the ones God wants to for no reason.

#prodigalson #God #grace #love #learning

Monday, March 28, 2016

Lahore Blast

It is sickening to hear the news of the Lahore Blast. Lahore is my home so deep connection! It is painful how people are tweeting, retweeting, updating statuses and profile pictures on social media about the attack. Seriously, this will become history too! Everyone wants someone else to help. This uproar will stay for a few days, as no one will follow through and it will fade too! What is the point? Till it is our own loved ones we never react the way we should. Only if we saw the body of our own family member true emotions will come. It is not a religious fight. It is an attack on humanity. I am sad doing nothing and changing my status like most. What a hypocrite, I am too!!

#LahoreBlast #Ilovemycountry #beinghuman #lovehumans

Remember Pakistan in your prayers! Amen

Sunday, February 14, 2016

by definition,
seeks to enjoy its object.”
-C.S. Lewis 
Love God and Enjoy His Presence!! 
Want Him not from Him!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Social Pressures and Individuality
“When we tell people they are a good match, they act as if they are. Even when they should be wrong for each other.” Christian Rudder #ChristianRudder #Okcupid #Dataclysm

Christian Rudder in his book, Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One's Looking), discusses how individuals do not demonstrate their individuality when representing themselves socially. Rudder shared his perspective analyzing the results of the data  from his previously owned website #okcupid. His findings were that when men tend to indicate their interest in women between the ages 40-55 on a social forum, they are actually not viewing profiles of that age range but of 20 year old girls. His book also revealed other findings of how people act differently in social setup! #audiencecontrol

Is it social pressure?

Social pressures and individuality have always been in a constant crash!! :) Christian Rudder's book brought to my mind again the theme of categorization, human end products, individuality and different ingredients!!

Anyways, sometimes I wonder walking down the aisle of a supermarket whether I will find a product with the exact amount of ingredients that I am looking for! Would I have to add an ingredient to it? Would I have to change something about it? Was the advertisement adequate? Did the advertisement indicate what my needs are? Is the advertisement making me buy something that I don't even need?

The world is becoming a market where everyone is trying to sell something or themselves! People market their skills and talents. Resumes, profiles on social media and dating sites all are examples of it.  Navigating through some of the resumes and profiles I noticed selling strategies. I have never read anyone ever stating that they are unattractive, ugly, awful at a task or it is difficult for them to live up to a pressurizing situation. No one ever claims that under stress they get panic attacks. I mean if they do, will anyone buy them or what they are selling! I mean hire them or ask them out on a date!

Having said that, my social environment expects me to live a product life! People try to fit me in this Pakistani Christian category that I am not even aware of! I am not sure how to act for my audience! Sometimes, it is difficult to know what is expected of me. It is a shocker for people if I devotedly pray and then like to listen to pop, hip hop and jazz music. It is difficult for people to comprehend how a church going female who loves to debate on Christian theology listens to Lil Wayne ( not the cursing part/ however I love his messages). #Howtolove #LilWayne

It is unacceptable for people to have me act bold. When they see Pakistani in me. They want to see a submissive and timid woman who cannot express a word she feels. Even as an individual too, sometimes I have certain expectation from myself. I have observed how my personality changes in certain environment. For example,  raised and brought up in Pakistan and now living in United States of America, I do certain things in social settings which I would not do given I have to make an individual choice.

Furthermore, my recent obsession about the idea of categorization makes me ask the above questions and wrestle with some social theories. I feel that the need for the formation of categorization was intended for our good to store and retrieve information. However, this way of learning is becoming detrimental as it forces us to think in a certain pattern and hold certain expectations from the world, and ourselves.

We should use this formation of categorization reversely!  We should be conscious of our behavior of thinking in a pattern and accept it. Following acceptance of our behavior, we would be able to make decisions based on it.

After we stop our pattern and categorized thinking, we will stop expecting from a Pakistani, a Pakistani woman, a Pakistani Christian woman, a Pakistani Christian educated woman, a Pakistani Christian educated working woman, a Pakistani Christian educated working woman living with her parents and  a Pakistani Christian educated working woman living with her parents in United States of America.

Bertrand Russell well said! "So long as a man's spontaneous activities are such as all the tribe approves of and shares in, his initiatives is very little curbed by others within the tribe, and even his most spontaneous actions conform to the recognized pattern of behavior." ( The Role of Individuality)
Image result for society and individuality quotes skinne
Image result for society and individuality quotes

Friday, January 29, 2016

Image result for God painted quotes the artist
A preschooler was working on coloring a coconut tree. The child was suppose to color the tree green and brown. However, it ended up being a purple and blue tree. I was uncomfortable watching the process of a purple and blue tree coming into existence after experiencing millions of trees in specific colors. During the child's work time, I consistently was giving instruction, while being aware of losing control over the tree project that was suppose to be green and brown. My constant instruction led the child to say, "it is my tree and I decide the colors of the tree". 
As much as I was uncomfortable with the answer, however I agreed with the honesty and the authority of the child owning up the project. It was amazing to see a child taking responsibility of the artwork and being affiliated with it. I was impressed with the freedom of speech at a young age. This incident led me to a conversation with a colleague of mine. In our conversation my colleague exposed me to a child development approach known as " Reggio Emilia". According to this approach, children have rights and should be given opportunities to develop their potentials. Children are believed to be knowledge bearers therefore, should be encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas about everything they do and explore during their work time. She expressed that the pioneers of this approach, believed that children must have control over their learning process.  This approach facilitates learning from exposing children to the opportunities and experiences provided during touching, moving, listening and observing their surroundings. This self directed and exploration style of learning has  demonstrated building relationship of children with peers and adults. Ultimately, this theory also believes in children expressing through their work. I was totally in awe of this style as it explored children's potential and had them learn through experiencing on their own. Even though, children end up categorizing in this style  of learning as well. However, this seems to be more natural and experiential reinforcement than a pattern learned from passing on.
Anyways, as usual from this experience too, I learned something about God! What I learned was that the Almighty is always breaking our learning patterns in our environment. Our tree which we ought to paint green and brown. He ends up painting it blue and purple for us which makes us uncomfortable. However, ultimately when we realize that our life is God's master piece, His painting/His artwork, we would definitely leave the Artist (God ) and trust His judgment. Meaning, once we have faith in the Artist we will be more content as His products have always be a source of inspiration.
Moral of the story: Our experiences shape our behaviors not our control. Nothing is in our hands! Explore and experience life! Life teaches us way better than any professional coaches! 
Anyways, be still and let the Artist do His work, as this is His project not ours! 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

God is Incomprehensible!
Image result for God incomprehensible
“DAWKINS: There could be something incredibly grand and incomprehensible and beyond our present understanding.
COLLINS: That's God
DAWKINS: Yes. But it could be any of a billion Gods. It could be God of the Martians or of the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri. The chance of its being a particular God, Yahweh, the God of Jesus, is vanishingly small--at the least, the onus is on you to demonstrate why you think that's the case.” ('God vs. Science - A debate between Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins' by TIME Magazine - Miscellaneous by Richard Dawkins, Francis Collins) #evolutionphilosophy
I have been driving myself crazy over the last few days reading and listening to debates of scientists, theologians, agnostics and atheists. It has been a treat as my faith and belief has strengthened listening to the arguments of the famous agnostics and atheist. I have been thrilled how the great atheists have not been able to deny the existence of God. Their rejection seems to be directed towards the institution of religion rather than the existence of a supernatural being. I mean any sane person in their sanity would deny the institution of religion which is mostly hypocritical and manipulative.  Russell (1927) stated that Christians do not believe in their own teachings when he quoted from the Bible “thou shall not judge”. Having said that, I would conclude my argument based on Lord Russell’s statement that the idea seems to be against the institution of religion NOT God. The argument based on the denial of the teaching of theology to most agnostics and atheists relies on the promotion of control and manipulation of people by the institution of religion. Otherwise, the Biblical relationship if studied carefully indicates a unique and profound communication with all the men of God differently at various eras not in a typical or formula manner.
Moreover, God’s presence can be studied from examining the famous mushroom psilocybin.  Griffith (2006) investigated the effects of psilocybin on mystical-type experiences such as sustained spiritual significance and personal meaning. The results of experiencing spiritual meaning and significance were identical to the natural occurring experience of mysticism that many spiritual/religious believers and mystics have described and experienced throughout the ages.
Additionally, Dr. Collins in his debate with Dawkins stated that if we believe in a God outside of nature, then we should be able to believe in His inconsistent choice of consistently choosing to violate his natural laws to prove a point to His beings. “If God made the natural laws, why could he not violate them when it was a particularly significant moment for him to do so? And if you accept the idea that Christ was also divine, which I do, then his Resurrection is not in itself a great logical leap.” ('God vs. Science - A debate between Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins' by TIME Magazine - Miscellaneous by Richard Dawkins, Francis Collins) #evolutionphilosophy 

By the  above statement, I would conclude that if we do not understand the incomprehensible God then that is our incompetency not His problem.  Moreover, we should be investigating and collecting data and base our logic on both natural and supernatural evidence to accept or reject any hypothesis about God.
Furthermore, we (atheists, agnostics and theist) all should focus on encouraging people to be bold and adventurous without causing problems to our fellow human beings, rather than trying to intimidate them. I feel that all atheist and theist are standing to prove their opponents wrong, rather than stating what they believe in and  leaving it to the others to accept or reject it, and move on!
Bertrand Russell well stated, “We shall not create a good world by trying to make men tame and timid, but by encouraging them to be bold and adventurous and fearless except in inflicting injuries upon their fellow-men.”  
Image result for God incomprehensible
+Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science @richarddawkins #richarddawkins #evolution #bertrandrussell #God #FrancisCollins @franciscollins @GodvsScience #Godvsscience

Saturday, January 16, 2016

"It means God is there with you in every situation that you are going through!"
Saeed Abedini
 #savesaeed #SaeedAbedini #NaghmehAbedini #Isaiah43
I am so overwhelmed! Tears of joy and celebration! Jesus Christ has yet again shown His amazing power and sovereignty! Thank you God for an awesome moment that I am witnessing in my own lifetime!
During my time spend with God, requesting the Almighty and praying fervently for Pastor Abedini, I feel a victor! I asked God like many others, to help Pastor Saeed Abedini unite with his family. I use to wonder, sometimes loose hope and inquire the rationale from God for the suffering that Abedini's family was going through. I use to give up hope as I did not see any immediate results. I questioned God for the hard and difficult times that the family of Pastor Abedini was facing! I never got my answer that I needed and required to satisfy my limited human understanding. However, God always has His valid and profound reasons. I definitely have learned an enormous lesson from the brokenness and the suffering of this family. Moreover, the persistence and strength of Naghmeh Abedini always reassured how faithful God was! I always saw peace and  incomprehensible satisfaction whenever I watched an interview of Naghmeh. The peace she had definitely passeth all humanly understanding! I could not understand the faith and trust in the midst of a storm. A hailstorm! A tornado!
God showed and preached His love through these human vessels (Abedini family) at the time of their suffering was incredible.
Suffering and pain increases compassion and amazingly gives us perspective! A perspective that we would not know if we did not experience pain.
Lord made this TEST into a TESTIMONY!
Thank you God... for giving Abedini family the miracle they were looking for!
Thank you Jesus again for this amazing news!
I conclude with Abedini's word that will remain powerful and profound for me forever! He wrote to his son last year when he was unable to attend his birthday because of his "chains that were keeping him away!".
He further added to his birthday note, "Even though I am not there with you, I AM is there with you."
Pastor Abedini concluded the birthday note by giving glory to God! He stated, "Thank you for standing strong with me in this battle for the Glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!"
Now again God gave us the time to give glory and honor to Him for His great work! Amen!
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Image result for Thank you God

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Becoming Paranoid to be a  Pakistani!!
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Who should I blame? I am trying to struggle and prove myself in a foreign country. I am gradually assimilating into the culture. However, few incidents make me realize I am different.
I am from Pakistan, living and studying in New York City. As much as most of the people try to appreciate who I am and understand my struggle to be different trying to strive to get acceptance as an individual. I strive to perform better than the average, to be accepted in this society. People who have not been a minority do not know how it feels to be one. People forget that as much as it is an advantage to be different as you stand out, it can play to your disadvantage too! It does take courage to be a minority and be different as you are compelled to swim against the waves. Every stroke that you take to swim makes you get in contact with a different wave. You move your body ahead and the wave pushes you back.
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Being a Pakistani in New York, a diverse city, seems to be as same as moving against the waves. You want to get ahead but the incidents of the people who are caught in the waves due to their behaviors or others who are similar to them in appearance makes it hard for the striving and the struggling ones.
I pray each day before walking in the streets of New York for the safety of the world and pray even harder for no incidents involving Pakistanis. To be a Pakistani is becoming a taboo, my identity is become a nightmare for me. I try extra hard each day to be more careful when I speak with someone or driving my car. I do not want to be judged based on my appearance.
Recently, I was embarrassed and astonished how a mother approached me via email to provide therapeutic services to her child. She never met me in person. However, when she met with me she refused to have me work with her child sharing it to be a safety concern. I felt mortified and did not know how to react. I tried to stay calm in front of her giving no indication of my true emotions. I don’t blame her for her reaction as a mother I would be concerned for my child’s well being too. However, I do not want to blame my Pakistani heritage. Who should I blame?
Humans are becoming products on an aisle with certain ingredients to define them. The world wants me to on the Pakistani rack, not sure if I need to commoditize and accessorize myself to be marketed well and be sold!
I refuse to be sold as I am who God want me to be! No one in this world is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually identical to me. Therefore, please judge me as an individual not a group marketed product!