Wednesday, December 9, 2015


There was once a Prince of a huge estate. He lived with his father. He loved going to the streets of the city to interact with the people. He enjoyed with the residents and became good friends with a beggar. The beggar loved to make sketches and shared his art with his friend. Well, a few days later the prince stopped coming. The beggar who developed a friendship with the prince started to miss his companionship. He went to visit him and met the father of the prince who was leaving to go somewhere. The father told the beggar that his son died. The beggar was shocked and deeply hurt. He gave the father the sketch of the prince he made. Well, the father took it. A few days later the father held an auction of the gallery at His estate. The beggar went to the auction. He was amazed to see that his picture of the prince was part of the auction too. The moderator of the auction said that according to the will. The picture of the prince needs to be sold first before the other great paintings.  No one seemed interested to buy the beggar's picture of the son. The beggar hesitantly bought his own picture with the only money he had. While he was leaving with the picture. The moderator said that according to the will whoever receives the son gets everything.

Moral: The one who receives the Son receives the Kingdom.

#salvation #JesusChrist #Kingdom #RZIM #RaviZacharias #sermonravizacharias (This was a sermon by Dr. Ravi Zacharias which I wrote in my own words)

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