Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Ridiculed Expression 

It is frustrating when your account of an experience is ridiculed. How many individuals in the world put themselves in a vulnerable position to express a traumatic experience. What gain and motivation is there for the person expressing themselves? Usually, incidences of vulnerability makes you look weak. Who would like to portray themselves as weak especially on a public platform? 

The rationale behind the blog on harassment was to demonstrate the results of social conditioning of a pure word "sister" which South Asians use conveniently. When someone calls you "sister" in a public domain, if you flare up because of an experience, people would make you seem like an attention seeker. How on earth in a religious setting of a memorial service, you would like to create a drama of your own. It is easy to judge without knowing the facts. 

My concern was nothing else but my own weakness of not being able to take action, and the weakness I felt when I had to be helped to save the day. My anger was at myself for not being able to speak up for myself. 

For example, when a person exhihibit behavior such as cheating, they have to deliberately work on not cheating because cheating is what comes naturally to them as a learned behavior. 

Similarly. when a person is trained for years to think that when someone calls you his sister it is pure and harmless. How can you react? In such instances, you have to deliberately take a strong action because that won't be a natural reaction to such a situation. Moreover, you have to understand the setting events such as religious building, home, office etc. 

Some people write because it helps them to express themselves in a controlled and comfortable environment not merely to gain attention. 

This controlled and comfortable environment is not attention seeking merely. It is their avoidance behavior. 

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