Tuesday, November 28, 2017


have loved Bikram Yoga for a couple of years now. However, recently I have started to love it even more. It is relaxing and intense at the same time. The early morning classes are hard to attend, but with determination you can reach your destination and goals. 

Last Tuesday, I aimed for a 6 am class. The studio is 20 to 25 minutes away from my home. I have to get up around 5 am to be there at 6. However, that morning I got up at 5 and started to get ready when I went to the parking lot. My sister parked just behind my car. I was so frustrated but well wanted to stay in the yogi mode. "Keep calm and let it go". I woke my sister up and asked her to move her car. She moved her car. I knew I was late. I knew they would lock the doors and there would be no way I could attend my yoga practice. Anyways, I called up the studio and the instructor said that he will start at 6 am. He kept saying that be there at 6. I just drove with the intention to attend and did not want to hear no. 

When I reached the studio, I was a few minutes late but the instructor waited for me. He said, "Anna, you are all signed up, please enjoy your class!" 

I just went in and enjoyed every bit of the practice. 

I felt my practice started the moment I woke up till I left the class. 

Yes, they say in the class let it all go and stay with the moment. You cannot hold on to anything. You just let it be and let it go. 

Like they say at the end of each practice. Namaste! 🙏

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