On August 18, 2018 I went to a show to see Russell Peters. It was one of the gifts for someone special for his upcoming birthday.
Russell always brings new idea and enlightens me. Have you ever observed that you are sometimes so use to your culture and segments of it, that it would not feel weird to you. Things you have done for years or said for years would seem normal. Even things that your parents say to you would seem to be a fact. I never thought that I was not allowed to have my opinion till recently. I could never make a decision and feel secure about it because I always thought that I would make a mistake. Making a decision and failing does not make your ability to make a decision invalid. It actually makes you feel that you did it on your way. Listening in a humorous way from Russell made me think how I take things for granted. Even now and then my ability to make decision was taken for granted. The process of understanding seems a journey and I still feel I am in a process not at a destination yet.