Thursday, June 30, 2016

God created all living beings.
Humans are living beings created by God.
Human Beings = Jews = Christians= Muslims = Hindus = Buddhist = Individuals who believe in God /No God
According to all religions, the devil does not have the power to create.
All humans are created the same way. 
All individuals have a right to express their beliefs to other individuals.
Individuals should not force their beliefs on others.
Keep in the parameters of respect when expressing your beliefs.
Others have a right to agree or disagree with you.

  1. Be honest about your beliefs. 
  2. Openly share and explain your beliefs.
  3. Do not think your beliefs are better than other individuals’ beliefs and opinions. 
  4. Individuals have a right to agree and disagree with your beliefs and opinions. 
  5. Do not lose your individuality accommodating others’ beliefs and opinions.
  6. Respect others who do not share your beliefs.
    Let us connect to know each other rather judge based on any man made category! 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Autism Speaks Autism Teaches 

As a therapist or an educator,  one always  feel an expert of teaching skills to the individuals with special needs. However, the fact is that an expert is just helping children with autism experience their surrounding in news ways that they have not experienced before (Greer & Speckman, 2009). We are not really inducing anything new, just exposing the individuals to an environment that they were not exposed to or were aware of.

Individuals who have never been exposed to children diagnosed with autism might not be aware that these individuals are not socially aware. They would not care what other people think of them, at least with the children that I have worked with. They do not care if you think they are not smart, genius or organized ( which ironically a lot of them are). I sometimes really envy my students with autism for this characteristic where they do not care about and for what others think of them and continue to do what they are best at.

Let us learn from them! Let us stop listening to the judgements around us and continue to be the best at what we like the most.

Autism speaks and autism teaches!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Let Go of Things! 
Be Present and Okay With it! 

Yesterday in yoga class when the instructor instructed the class to be in savasana and delivered instruction on the importance of being in savasana, while the students were in savasana, I felt embarrassed! 

Let me rewind a bit! Savasana is a corpse pose. You play dead and do not move. You can only breath. After a long standing series when the sweat was running down I felt the urge of wiping the sweat and scratching my head. I felt a flow of sweat forming river streams between the strands of my hair. I felt embarrassed because my wiping and scratching movement came when the instructor was in the middle of lecturing how important it is to let go and be still in savasana. He looked at me and smiled. All I did was smile back with my eyes giving the most innocent look. I was caught stealing cookie from the jar! I learned how easily our brain gets distracted. 

Hardest to learn in life is being present, staying still and trying hard to avoid and getting out of the situation as soon as possible. Our situations those times seem like fish out of water or a non swimmer in a pool experiences. 

We give power to our situations and hardships. Once we learn to be present we forget that it is painful. 

” The ‘good life’ begins when you stop wanting a better one” – Nkosiphambili E. Molapis

We run from pain towards joy but believe it or not we learn from both. I have been trying to teach this to myself than to others. I need to stop running towards the best because what I have now is the best. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Am I controlling you or you control your own behavior?

Many a times we take decisions in our lives that we conveniently blame others for. We project our weakness by blaming it on being manipulated by others. Our compulsive way of acting in a certain way is our decision. Well who should we blame in such situations?

Recently, in a conversation with a peer I came to a conclusion that I am a master of my own behavior. We allow people to treat us a certain way. We forget that unconsciously or consciously we are taking a decision to let them treat us a certain way. Our decision!! Nobody  can force us to drink poison!

Won't we resist when someone forces us? When we give in to an idea. We are agreeing to the idea. It might seem as someone is controlling you, however you  are willfully giving them the control and the power to treat you the way they want to. Humans are victims of their own decision making. Their instilled idea of helplessness and not speaking up makes them a victim. Let us rise above our self victimization and enjoy our decision of taking responsibility of our own actions and decisions.